Ourika Valley day trip

Ourika valley is one of the most popular destinations for foreign tourists as well as for Moroccans. The road from Marrakech to the valley is bordered by gardens, palm and fruit trees, small villages, Berber houses. In the valley itself, the Ourika River descends from the High Atlas, passing by Asguine, Aghbalou, Oulmes and finally the village of Setti Fatma ...


This trip takes you to a lush green valley situated about 60 Km from Marrakech. It is a pleasant prelude to the impressive Atlas Mountains and a fine escape from busy Marrakech. Along the road through this unspoilt and charming valley, scattered at intervals are series of tiny hamlets, interspersed by a few summer homes. The valley is Berber populated and feels quiet different from the country’s urban life.

The souk of Ourika is a small road side village which hosts a weekly Berber market on Mondays. This area is famed for it’s pottery and it’s varied samples of minerals and crystals.

Setti Fatma which is the most fabulous place of this valley, enjoy the calm and the attraction of this area, also be refreshed by the cold water of the river.

Lead it with a local guide and discover other waterfalls in a wonderful group walk, you could take your personal lunch before or after you start the walking with the local guide, after discovering more landscapes inside the Atlas mountain and taking some pictures as souvenirs. Be guided to the driver to take you back in the afternoon to Marrakech with a comfortable and airconditioned vehicle.

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Sed elementum ante et lectus sagittis rhoncus! Sed eu mollis metus, et luctus eros. Duis ut dolor eleifend, scelerisque sapien vel, convallis sem. Etiam nullam.

Alice Boyd