Ait Ben Haddou day trip

Along the way from Marrakech to Ait Ben Haddou, you will be fascinated by the wonders and the panoramic views of the isolated Berber villages in the mountains. After the Tizi n'Tichka pass, you leave the main road and take a side track into the Telouat Kasbah, the ancient palace of Pacha El Glaoui. After 40 km of track with breathtaking views over the Valley of Ounila you get to the Kasbah Ait Benhadou.


This trip offers a spectacular opportunity to see a lot of Morocco in one day.

This is the ideal trip for those who do not wish to spend a few nights in the desert and want to return to Marrakech for a night out at the restaurant.

The day starts early, because we will leave Marrakech before 8:00. Our route will then take us through the High Atlas. The beauty and height of these summits will make you stick to the window of our minibus while we will be across the mountain roads. There are several small Berber villages along the road and we will have the opportunity to stop taking some pictures of the elevated landscape before heading to the Kasbah at Ait Ben Haddou. It will be another two hours before arriving here, but the landscape will remain beautiful. The Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou is a fortified village that is home to about half a dozen markets and merchant houses.

Our visit of this old building will be guided. Like Ouarzazate - which will be the next leg of this tour - the Kasbah Ait Ben Haddou is a popular location for film crews and Hollywood production companies. You'll see exactly why it's an ideal setting for a number of biblical movies, an ancient Arab legend, or movies shot thousands of years ago. Sodom and Gomorrah (1963), The Man Who Wants to Be King (1975) and The Jewel of the Nile (1985) all used the ancient fortified village of Kasbah Ait Ben Haddou. Our adventure day then moves to Ouarzazate, where we will tour the city and visit the movie studios. Ouarzazate is a favorite place for film production, many of which come precisely because of old buildings, golden landscapes and beautiful landscapes. One has the impression of taking a trip back in time by exploring ancient kasbahs and golden clay buildings. Do not be surprised to see a Hollywood film crew shoot a movie here. Among the blockbuster films made here are Bond's classic Living Daylights (1987), Lawrence of Arabia (1962) and The Last Temptation of Christ (1988).

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Vestibulum quis nulla tortor. Donec diam leo, bibendum a risus et, interdum iaculis ligula. Donec ultricies elit ultricies est sollicitudin, et dignissim metus.

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Sed elementum ante et lectus sagittis rhoncus! Sed eu mollis metus, et luctus eros. Duis ut dolor eleifend, scelerisque sapien vel, convallis sem. Etiam nullam.

Alice Boyd